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Nothing Happier

February 2021

19-year old Flora, shares a powerful testimony of how your gifts are making their way to shine a light in the darkest places. The gospel changes everything, and that’s what Flora is experiencing thanks to you.

“I am the witness of the black days of my people during COVID-19. Although we become used to our fate in this crisis, we are spiritually distressed. And as the cyclone storms also break our huts, it seems the struggle of this miserable life is overpowering us.

I used to be able to go and learn about God in school, but I have stopped going since COVID-19 began. I had found relief there as our teachers shared many stories from the Bible. One of my teachers shared stories from the New Testament which touched my heart so much. There are so many stories in the Gospels that give me strength and relief. God has given me spiritual assurance I did not find in the Quran.

My teacher contacted me with the wonderful news that I would receive a personal New Testament! Nothing can be happier than this blessing! Finally, I have received my own Bible. Faith in Jesus Christ has thrown away our agony and given us new hope to survive. Praise the Lord!”

19-year old Flora, shares a powerful testimony of how your gifts are making their way to shine a light in the darkest places. The gospel changes everything, and that’s what Flora is experiencing thanks to you.

“I am the witness of the black days of my people during COVID-19. Although we become used to our fate in this crisis, we are spiritually distressed. And as the cyclone storms also break our huts, it seems the struggle of this miserable life is overpowering us.

I used to be able to go and learn about God in school, but I have stopped going since COVID-19 began. I had found relief there as our teachers shared many stories from the Bible. One of my teachers shared stories from the New Testament which touched my heart so much. There are so many stories in the Gospels that give me strength and relief. God has given me spiritual assurance I did not find in the Quran.

My teacher contacted me with the wonderful news that I would receive a personal New Testament! Nothing can be happier than this blessing! Finally, I have received my own Bible. Faith in Jesus Christ has thrown away our agony and given us new hope to survive. Praise the Lord!”