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Cultural barriers fall in Malawi

Agosto 2024

As Bishop Steverio Sayda prepared his team for an outreach event in Kauma, a vibrant community 37 km outside Malawi’s capital, he didn’t know what to expect. Outreach events had become second nature to Steverio and his team, but Kauma was different.

Populated by the Yao people, a community which is 99% Muslim, most of the residents blend traditional Afro-spiritual beliefs, with the teaching and traditions of Islam. 

Traditionally this has made sharing the gospel of Jesus in this area extremely difficult. 

But filled with faith, Steverio and 20 believers from his church made the journey into Kauma.

Using the training in conversational evangelism and the resources they received from ShareWord Global, the group was able to share the gospel with 176 people. And for a population that has become completely insulated from Christianity, Steverio was shocked to see their response.  

“It was astonishing of the 176 people we shared the gospel with, 160 made some sort of commitment to give their lives to our Lord Jesus,” he said. 

“We are not only spreading the message of Jesus Christ but also encountering and transforming lives from traditionally insulated communities. This event underlines our commitment to fostering a deeper relationship with the Yao people, empowering them through the love of Christ, and aiding in their spiritual and social transformation.”

Please keep Steverio, his team, and the Yao community in your prayers as they continue building cultural bridges and reaching an unreached people group with the gospel. 

As Bishop Steverio Sayda prepared his team for an outreach event in Kauma, a vibrant community 37 km outside Malawi’s capital, he didn’t know what to expect. Outreach events had become second nature to Steverio and his team, but Kauma was different.

Populated by the Yao people, a community which is 99% Muslim, most of the residents blend traditional Afro-spiritual beliefs, with the teaching and traditions of Islam. 

Traditionally this has made sharing the gospel of Jesus in this area extremely difficult. 

But filled with faith, Steverio and 20 believers from his church made the journey into Kauma.

Using the training in conversational evangelism and the resources they received from ShareWord Global, the group was able to share the gospel with 176 people. And for a population that has become completely insulated from Christianity, Steverio was shocked to see their response.  

“It was astonishing of the 176 people we shared the gospel with, 160 made some sort of commitment to give their lives to our Lord Jesus,” he said. 

“We are not only spreading the message of Jesus Christ but also encountering and transforming lives from traditionally insulated communities. This event underlines our commitment to fostering a deeper relationship with the Yao people, empowering them through the love of Christ, and aiding in their spiritual and social transformation.”

Please keep Steverio, his team, and the Yao community in your prayers as they continue building cultural bridges and reaching an unreached people group with the gospel.